Hello, my name’s Dylan I wish to discuss how some of the themes Mchullan expressed in his work applies and stands up against the usage of AI in today’s modern world.

A major theme surrounding ‘Understanding Media’ is the idea of ‘The medium is the message’. Or rather that the technology shapes the way we experience the world, in some cases more than the content within itself.

While AI being used in such platforms such as commercials or software. Our world is constantly being morphed and changed by the usage of AI. Though

“Global Village”, as described by Mchullan, refers to how technology has made us all connected to different people, information, etc. This is no doubt true, and especially thanks to AI’s implemented in things like language translations and writing assistance.

As far as creating new media and content in an entertainment context, the usage of AI is something that is still new, but rapidly expanding and becoming common practice.

Similar to how impactful the transition from print to electronic media was, the speed and influx of information that AI allows us to move forward, technologically.

As far as whether to consider AI as ‘Hot’ or ‘Cold’ media, I would certainly say that it’s more on the colder side of the media spectrum, with it’s need for the audience to engage and fill in the gaps of it.

Biases is something that is allayed plagued with new media, and AI is no different. In fact, some would say that AI is a tool mostly used a tool. There is now even a tool to detect any biases within media.

Though AI has helped many of us receive and understand more information at a faster rate, it has also left us exposed to an extent, with some programs of AI collecting and analyzing our personal info.

A trend that is starting to pop up, especially within advertisement, is the usage of AI to create content in place of people.

Social media has been slowly integrating AI, not only in their data sharing algorithm with Facebook and Instagram, but also with AI assistants in the case of Snapchat.

Technology impacts how time is perceived, specifically with it being slowed down and allows us to digest more info. AI has allayed us to take this concept and always us to make things faster and in constant motion.

One thing that AI has been able to do very well is alternate reality, in its own platform. AI used to not be able to recreate a human walking normally, but now we are able to create that and much more with ease.

AI, as a tool, is geared to enhance a person’s online, or at the very least, digit experience. However, in some aspects, it ended up alienated a lot of people who don’t understand it.

To a degree, AI also inflences how we feel by being personalized to each of it’s user,

As we use AI to create more content, ethical questions are often called into question. One that comes to mind is using the likeness of someone within an AI video

AI Has helped quite a bit with journal, with fact checking the information and correct and spelling mistakes.

AI has altered the way we communicate with one another, in good and not so good ways.

McLuhan predicted within his book that media would shape out future in ways we couldn’t completely understand, and AI has fulfilled this prophecy.

Ai is a powerful tool that we use quite a bit in our modern world. However, it still would be useful to use McLuhan’s principles

McLuhan, M. (1964). Understanding Media
O’Neil, C. (2016). Weapons of Math Destruction.
Floridi, L. (2014). The Fourth Revolution.
Carr, N. (2010). The Shallows: What the Internet Is Doing to Our Brains.
Tegmark, M. (2017). Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence.
Sources For Pictures
(In order with the Presentation)